Last night, at a "care-group" meeting, the subject of sanctification was discussed. (Sanctification is the ongoing process of God molding us to be more like him.) In that discussion we brought up our need to pursue Biblical fellowship with other believers, to encourage one another and challenge one another in growth. But to have meaningful Biblical fellowship, we must have trust...and this is where my post comes in. It just so happens that the second journal entry I made this year was all about trust, and I decided that I would give you a peek into the pages of my journal (which, in the past have often not been so thoughtful). Feel privileged? You should. FYI: I don't always finish off my thoughts in my journal entries (*cough*), but these are some things to ponder...
"Trust. What is trust, and how does/should it show itself in our lives? The other night we watched a movie which was done of Charles Dickens' story "Our Mutual Friend". One of the main threads of the story was trust. That included a young lady's trust in her father, despite the fact that some people accused him of being a murderer; and also another young lady's trust in her newly-wed husband, even though she didn't know all the details of several (false) accusations against him etc. I think that kind of trust is inspiring; being so sure of another person's integrity that you would stand true in your opinion of them, even when others waver. Granted, there won't be tons of people you would trust that much...but I think it is important to know your friends/family, know who has integrity and who is trustworthy, and be willing to stick by them no matter what. Trust includes surrendering the little doubts that may enter your mind - in fact, refusing to listen to them at all - and having faith that the other person will not fail you. People, however ARE sinners, and we must be able to forgive even the person we may think is the most trustworthy, if they fall. Trust s basically complete vulnerability before someone; putting in their hands the power to dash us to the earth, but believing with all of our hearts that they won't. A person's trust is a sacred sort of thing though - but how simple we can be as we recklessly bestow our trust on things/people unworthy of it! Think of all the things we daily put our trust in: Our beds, our chairs, our houses, our cars, our groceries, our co-workers, our own bodies... Why is it so easy for us to trust so many things - to put our very lives in the balance daily, and yet, it is so difficult for us to trust God? Why do we worry so much about so many little things that God has already promised that he would take care of for us? Hmmm...the strange ways of the human mind. We trust pathetic, finite things - as long as we can see them, or they can be proven...but we struggle so much to completely surrender to the only one who wholly cares for us, and who really has all under his command. The only one who is completely trustworthy, and worth becoming vulnerable to. Oh God, help me to trust you more." |
Comments on "Trust"
Wow Tai! Great analogies. I am currently trusting: in our house (not to fall in on me), my chair (to hold my weight), the desk (I am leaning on as I type), the floor of our loft (which my office equipment and several hundred books press down upon, our wood stove (to contain a raging fire in order to heat our home and not burn it down), and countless other things... yet I struggle every day lately in fully trusting the Lord especially with regards to providing for our families financial needs...
Yet, he has never failed. I have no reason NOT to trust Him... and a thousand reasons (and verses of Scripture) screaming to me, Trust the Lord!!! He is worthy!"
I have been reading in Exodus about the manna in the desert. The Lord provided each morning for the daily physical needs of his people. They were to take only the manna for the day. Yet some did not obey and did not trust the Lord (who they saw divide the sea, strike Egypt with plagues, and much more). How much I am like them. Lord, help my unbelief.
Thank you Tai for causing me to think and spurring me to pray.
Oh good post! I really enjoyed that. I was just thinking of the trust that we need to put in God the other day.
In Psalms we read "What can mere man do to me?" That is the kind of trust we need to have in God.
Worry is also an issue of not trusting in God.
Anyway, I'll have to write about this. :P
RYC: I have posted, now there is something to go with the new template. Lol.