Blogging With A Purpose Award!
"Blogging with a Purpose - 2nd Award PostNovember 11th, 2007Who I am Awarding I’ve only know Tai for around two months, but I’ve visited her blog quite a bit. The reason I keep coming back is because she really does blog from her heart. Tai is a strong Christian and you can really tell it from her writing. Almost all of her entries are on a spiritual subject. Her site Maiden of Honor is a really great blog to visit. She is blogging with a purpose." Well, I was pleasantly surprised today to have received a comment on my blog from Eric Novac (founder of the Blogging With A Purpose Award) letting me know that he had decided to give me said award! I was blessed...especially at this time when I had been considering possibly shutting down my blogs, because it seemed that no one ever visited them any more. I guess you never REALLY know who you may be reaching when you blog...and that was definitely and encouragement for me to press on. Plus now I get to display the award on my blogs! Yippee! ;) Here is the original post. Thank-you! ~Lady Tai |
Comments on "Blogging With A Purpose Award!"
You are welcome Tai, you deserved it.
You don't have to award the other bloggers real soon, within the month would be good if you can manage it.
I posted a blog in context to people quitting blogging, you should really check it out.
Hey, Tai. Do you remember me? Faith's friend, Gina? Well, whether you do or not- great writing here- I appreciate everything you have to say! It's really amazing to me that somebody your age can be so mature. Maybe someday I will write about important stuff....
Of course I remember MY friend Gina!
Thanks for the nice comment. Do pigs still fly?
~Lady Tai
They sure do! Glad to see you still have your perky personality... You look older!
Hi Tai... I found your site from the Blogging With a Purpose site. Glad I did. Read some of your posts. They're really good and inspiring! Please don't quit blogging :)
Hey Tai,
That is awesome! People do visit your blog! I for one, though sorry that I haven't commented in a while. I will make it a point to give you feedback and just say Hi! God bless!
RYC: I speak the truth Tai. People are always getting on your blog even if you don't know it. Your blog may have already helped someone! You just don't know.
I would really suggest you sign up for you put a little html into your side bar and it tracks how many people are on your blog. Really handy.