The Alpha and Omega - beginning and end, first and last, creator, savior, king. This little ornament has been on our Christmas tree every year ever since I can remember. It has always been the most significant, and my parents are the only ones who ever put it on the tree. Why? Well, mostly just tradition, but it is our most special ornament. Here are some of the things it represents:
- The "A" and "O" stand for Jesus being the Alpha and the Omega. He was before anything else was ever made, and he will always be, for eternity. He is the Great Mystery. He should be first, last and everything in-between in our hearts.
- Jesus died for our sins. Do you see the cross in the ornament? He was condemed to die, though he was innocent of every charge - and he did it for you and I. He took every sin we have ever committed, and every sin we will ever commit and bore them on the cross, so that we could be completely forgiven. Never once did he say "It's not mine!" - even when God turned his face away.
- Jesus is our shepherd, and we are his sheep. Can you see the shepherd's staff represented here? (Psalm 23) Jesus guides our steps like a good shepherd, he provides for our needs, he protects us, and he refreshes our spirits when we feel weak. When we really know our shepherd, his is the only voice we respond to.
- Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price - hence why the ornament is made of pearls. (Matthew 13:45-46, "'Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.'") There are many things that appear to be pearls in this world, but when someone finds the Pearl of Great Price, he/she is ready - even eager - to sell all they have to obtain it. Likewise, we must be willing to give up everything for the sake of Christ. He is more than worth it. He is EVERYTHING.
Merry CHRISTmas!
~Lady Tai
Comments on "Lessons From The Christmas Tree"
Amen Tai! Great post! God bless your week and Merry Christmas!
wow, this is a cool blog! yes, I will get that song to you.
It's amazing ho much symbolism can be in things that we get used to seeing. Thanks for posting about it.
A random thought, that looks a good deal like the symbol that Constantine, the first Christian Emperor had on his flag when he went into battle (according to legend, the night before the battle, this was a major battle, Constantine had a dream in which God spoke to him and said "In My Name you shall conquer" so he had the symbol that he new for the Christian God but on his flag, and the next day he won, and he was converted to Christianity) that's a legend mind you, but it is true that it looked like the cross you show on your tree.
Merry Christmas!
PS. Pray for Damaris and her brother, their Grandma is very sick.